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Scientific Research

To Stay Happy, Keep Your SIRT1 Active

To Stay Happy, Keep Your SIRT1 Active

Source   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5516926/ABSTRACT The present study uncovered some important and interesting aspects of the genetic and molecular pathways involved in chronic stress–induced depression-like behavior. The...

Targeting sirtuins for the treatment of diabetes

Targeting sirtuins for the treatment of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is endemic with over 366 million adults estimated to have Type 2 diabetes, and is estimated to grow to 552 million by 2030. The data on sirtuins and their antidiabetic potential are compelling, and on-going studies will determine whether sirtuin activators will be an effective therapeutic against diabetes.

Sirtuin 1 and Alzheimer’s disease

Sirtuin 1 and Alzheimer’s disease

Here we review how SIRT1 affects Alzheimer Dùisease (AD) and cognition, the main mechanisms in which SIRT1 is related to AD pathology, and its importance for the prevention and possible diagnosis of AD.